Razstava za natečaj NUK II / Invitation to the exhibition NUK II
Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport ter Zbornica za arhitekturo in prostor Slovenije vabita na otvoritev razstave natečajnih rešitev za natečaj NUK II. Otvoritev bo v torek, 10. julija 2012, ob 16.00 uri v kompleksu Tobačne, Tobačna ulica 5, Ljubljana. Ob 20. uri bo sledil pogovor z nagrajenci v Muzeju za arhitekturo in oblikovanje, Grad Fužine, Pot na Fužine 2, Ljubljana.
Razstava bo odprta vsak dan (tudi ob sobotah in nedeljah) med 8.00 in 18.00 uro do vključno 20. julija 2012.
Prevzem nenagrajenega natečajnega gradiva je možen zadnji dan razstave med 13.00 in 15.00 uro. Predhodno je potrebno sporočiti šifro elaborata na naslov natecaji@zaps.si.
Ob razstavi bo izšel natečajni katalog s predstavljenimi natečajnimi rešitvami in uvodnimi nagovori. Cena kataloga je 20 €.
Katalog naročite tako, da izpolnjeno naročilnico pošljite: po faksu: 01/24 20 680, po e-pošti: barbara.pungercar@zaps.si ali na naslov: ZAPS, Vegova 8, 1000 Ljubljana, naprodaj pa bo tudi na otvoritvi razstave v Tobačni in na večerni predstavitvi v MAO.
Ministry of education, science, culture and sport of Slovenia and ZAPS kindly invite you to the opening of the exhibition of the Competition entries fot NUK II. The opening will be held on Tuesday, 10th July 2012 at 16.00 hours in the Tobačna complex, Tobačna ulica 5, Ljubljana. The event will be followed by the presentation of the awarded competitors in the Museum for architecture and design, Fužine castle, Pot na Fužine 2, Ljubljana.
The exhibition will be open (including Saturdays and Sundays) between the 08:00 and 18:00 hour up to and including 20 July 2012.
Competitors who did not receive an award may collect their material on the last day of the exhibition between 13:00 and 15:00. The working number of the projects must be communicated in advance to natecaji@zaps.si.
Along with the exhibition the Chamber will issue a catalog with all competing projects and introductions. Catalog price is 38 €. The price includes all postal cost. SKB bank: IBAN SI56 0310 0100 1291 427, SWIFT (BIC): SKBASI2X. You can order the catalog by e-mail (barbara.pungercar@zaps.si) or buy it at the exhibition opening in Tobačna or evening presentation in the Museum for architecture and design, Fužine Castle, Pot na Fužine 2, Ljubljana.